Fully Accredited, Affordable and Flexible Online Learning
Our program lessons include more than 50,000 multimedia elements like interactive games, audio and video clips, external web links, and off-computer assignments.
In addition, time-saving tools for teachers include automatic grading and lesson planning, a convenient internal messaging system, and streamlined data management for easy reporting.

What is the American High School Diploma and is it accepted in South Africa?

Choose from a diverse list of elective subjects.
To graduate, just complete our leading world-class internationally accredited High School Diploma. Our modular, self-paced Grade 9 to 12 Digital Curriculum makes it easy.
With many diverse elective courses to choose from, our qualification prepares students for the challenges facing 21st Century Global Students.
Subjects & Credits
Students must have a total of 26 subject credits to graduate with the option to study at a tertiary institution. Once the student has been registered, they may choose their subjects from within our extensive elective list of faculties:
Fine Arts
Foreign Language
Technical Courses
Language Arts
History & Geography
Elective Subjects
In step with an ever-changing employment landscape, we offer a diverse kaleidoscope of subjects.

High School Learning Package

Core Subjects
Math, English, Science, Social Studies
Career Studies Course
Digital Literacy
World Languages
All-inclusive when you sign up.

Fee Structure
Registration Fee
Individual - R1,000 per year
Family - R1,500 per year
Subscription Fee
R400/student per month
Cottage School or Learning Centre?
Click/tap here to contact us about our special fee structure.
Digital Literacy
Core Subjects: Math, Science, English, Social Studies
Career Studies Course
World Languages
Paid trial, fully refundable after 30 days
Internet Connection
Laptop / PC / Tablet with keyboard
Laptop minimum specs
1.6 or higher GHz processor
2 Gig RAM
Tablet minimum specs
Size: 10"
1.5 GHz processor or dual core
2 Gig RAM
External keyboard
External mouse/bluetooth mouse.